Mileaters Walk - Thornecombe Woods

“In the steps of Thomas Hardy”

After several days of heavy rain, 17 Mileaters (and 3 dogs) set out on a cloudy and cold morning, not knowing whether they would be encountering flooded fields and lots of mud. In the event we found quite benign conditions as we crossed water meadows and walked alongside streams. The walk started at the Trumpet Major pub, close to Hardy’s home, Max Gate. We then walked down to cross the River Frome and then across the water meadows to Stinsford and onto Lower Bockhampton. It was interesting to think that Hardy may have walked this same route from his house to visit his mother who was still living in his birthplace in Thorncombe woods at the time.

The walk proceeded on through the woods and we had a coffee stop at the lovely Rushy Pond. We walked past Hardy’s birthplace and then back to Stinsford, where we stopped at the churchyard to look at the Hardy family graves.

It was then back across the meadows to the pub, where we had a convivial lunch, although the calorific intake proved too much for some!

Overall, a most enjoyable walk of 5 1/2 miles, and not too challenging, even though we had variable weather conditions - a mixture of cold winds, showers and some sunny periods.

Mike Beesley