A Walk on the Estate

It’s the 20
th October, the forecast is poor, nay awful. Storm Babet is on the horizon and yet still 14 intrepid mileaters set out to walk.

This 5 mile jaunt started in Thorncombe Wood worked our way via the roman road and rhododendron tunnels to Lower Bockhampton and along the river Frome to Stinsford where some stopped to check out the grave of Thomas Hardy`s heart. We also heard about the conversion of the Kingston Maurward house to a college property to solve the countries food shortage after the war. The only trouble with the walk was the number of stiles! Its not that we couldn`t do them it was just that it took time to get through. We thought of forming a band called the Stile Council, but thought again. Anyway as luck would have it the weather man was wrong, it was a beautiful day, a lovely walk, polished off with a convivial pie and a pint in the Trumpet Major.

“I counted them all out and I counted them all back again”

Tom Webb